There are only 10 weeks left until Christmas and clients arriving at our office in Darlinghurst this week have been in for a pleasant surprise as our multiple office Christmas trees and life-sized snowman, affectionately referred to as ‘Frosty’, greets them as they come up the stairs into our office.

It has been a tough few years for everyone, no less separated parents and partners going through a difficult divorce process, so it has been lovely to invoke the Christmas spirit and give a little cheer as the year comes to a close. Well, this is what our Christmas obsessed Principal has been telling clients, though those of us in the office know he would happily have Christmas decorations up from September in any given year!

We know Christmas holidays can present a real problem for separated families as different family traditions clash and often both parents want to experience the magic of Christmas morning together with their children.

Our advice as family lawyers is to start organising these holidays now! If you cannot reach an agreement with your ex about Christmas holidays, attending a mediation may be the best option available to sort out these arrangements. A mediation can be organised relatively quickly and easily with a certified dispute resolution practitioner. Mediation provides a very real opportunity for parents to have a directed conversation which can bring about a desirable result without ever going to Court. Parents have way more control over the process and the result if they’re not handing over the power to someone who is well-meaning, but doesn’t know them.

Mediation occurs with the assistance of your family law solicitor, a registered mediator or Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and sometimes experts from different disciplines, though that is rare for most of us.

If you’re after a speedy resolution before the Christmas holidays, contact one of our specialist family lawyers today.

Tiyce & Lawyers – we’re here when you need us.