Michael Tiyce is in the media again, this time commenting on Bounty Parents for their article on relocating with children after divorce.

So what happens when one parent wants to relocate following a separation? As Michael says in the article:

“Family law prioritises the best interests of the child above all else, this principle heavily influences decisions regarding relocation, whether it’s across town or across the country.”

“Legal frameworks vary, but common considerations include the child’s relationship with both parents, the reasons for the move, the potential impact on the child’s well-being, and the feasibility of maintaining meaningful contact with the non-relocating parent.”

These situations are fraught with both emotion and legal complexity, so getting guidance from experienced professionals is vital. You can read the full article at https://www.bountyparents.com.au/expert-advice/relocating-after-divorce/ and learn more about the legals around relocation here: https://tiyce.com/blog/relocating-children/

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