Tiyce & Lawyers Principal Michael Tiyce was quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald recently in an article about the growing trend of women over 50 divorcing and happily staying solo.

It’s a trend that doesn’t look like going away, with the median age of divorce going up and over a third of divorces now among the 50+ age group.

“Previously there was a real stigma around singlehood that created a real pressure not only for people to pursue marriage but to stick in one regardless of how happy it is. Marriage was a true marker of success, however, now with both parties in a marriage more able to pursue career, education and life experience goals … people aren’t settling for sticking together in a partnership that isn’t working.” – Michael Tiyce

Read the full article here: https://www.smh.com.au/national/all-the-single-ladies-why-more-women-over-50-are-going-solo-and-loving-it-20231209-p5eqa7.html 


Image via smh.com.au | Photo Credit: Simon Schluter