By Molli Clements.

Deciding whether to stay in a relationship for the sake of your children or break up right away is a major dilemma for couples. While it may seem like the right thing to do to maintain a stable household for your children, there are several factors that need to be considered before making such a decision.

The Kids

It is essential to assess the impact of the relationship on your children. Are they witnessing frequent arguments or domestic violence? Are they being exposed to unhealthy behaviours or substances? If the answer is yes, then it may be in the best interest of your children to end the relationship or seek assistance from a third party including a therapist/psychologist.

The Relationship

It is crucial to evaluate the quality of the relationship in question. Are both partners willing to communicate and work through issues together? Are both partners equally invested in maintaining the relationship? It may be in your best interest to work with a couple’s therapist to determine whether the issues can be worked through.

The Finances

It is important to consider the financial implications of a breakup. Will a separation put one or both partners in a financially challenging situation? Will the children’s standard of living be compromised? If the answer is yes, we suggest that you speak with a lawyer at our firm to understand your legal rights and entitlements in accordance with the law.

In conclusion, deciding whether to stay in a relationship for children until they are 18 or to break up right away is a complex decision that requires careful evaluation of several factors. While staying together for the sake of children may seem like a noble decision, it is crucial to assess the impact of the relationship on children, the quality of the relationship, financial implications, support systems available, and long-term implications. Only by considering all of these factors can one make an informed decision that is in the best interest of everyone involved.

At Tiyce & Lawyers, we assist our clients in understanding their rights and entitlements under the law and provide them with information to assist them in making a decision that is in theirs and their children’s best interests.


Photo by Masha Raymers