Laura Wasser, a divorce lawyer in the US, has handled many famous divorce cases.  She has acted in divorces between Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and the acrimonious divorce case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in 2016. Laura is currently acting for Kim Kardashian in her divorce from rap singer, Kanye West

In 2018 she mediated the divorce between Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck.

A New York Times article has stated she tends to steer parties towards a settlement rather than financially and emotionally draining Court proceedings. Ben Affleck had said “Once you get into a fight, I suspect everyone loses”.

Just like Laura Wasser, at Tiyce & Lawyers we believe that parties should try to stay out of Court if at all possible and mediate their property settlements.

The most common forms of alternate dispute resolution are mediation and arbitration. Parties can engage a private mediator in an attempt to resolve their dispute, and in cases where they require a legally binding decision, arbitration can be utilised.

There are a number of differences between arbitration and a Court judgment.  Firstly, an arbitrator is not a Judge, but a lawyer who has completed specialised arbitration training. Secondly, arbitration is limited to financial matters such as property settlement, spousal maintenance and financial agreements.  An arbitrator cannot deal with parenting matters.

The benefit of arbitration is that the parties can determine when and where it will happen and the timetable in which it happens. The unavoidable delays involved in the Family Court system can be avoided by using an arbitrator. Generally, the arbitrator agrees to provide their decision within 28 days from the date of any listed hearing.

In addition, the parties can choose who their arbitrator is. This eliminates any issues either party has with the Judge or their perceived bias of the Judge. They can review the experience and academic qualifications of the arbitrator and choose one they think will be appropriate.

We can assist you in an attempt to mediate your family law matter rather than involving the Courts if possible and the inevitable lengthy delays. It may even make the relationship with your ex that little bit more tolerable.

We’re here when you need us.

Book an initial consultation or call us: 1300 084 923