With light at the end of the tunnel of the  dreaded COVID-19 pandemic (fingers crossed!) many people are starting to emerge from their bubbles.

People are asking “Where have you been the last 12 months?”; “Who have you been spending time with?”; “Have you entered into a COVID-accelerated relationship?” and; “Did you figure you’d just move in together because it’s easier?”

The fact is you may find yourself, unknowingly, in a de facto relationship!

Section 4AA of the Family Law Act 1995 (Cth) sets out the criteria for what is taken into consideration when determining whether or not a de facto relationship exists:

  1. Are you living together on a genuine domestic basis?
  2. How long have you been together?
  3. What is the nature of your relationship?
  4. Are you engaged in sexual relations?
  5. Are you or your partner financially dependent on one another?
  6. Do you own property together?
  7. Are there any children of the relationship?
  8. Are your friends, peers, and family aware of your relationship?

All of these factors can play a role in the determination of whether or not a de facto relationship exists.

Need help?  Call one of our specialist family lawyers today.

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